April 18, 2013
The proverbial saying, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach him to fish and you feed him for life,” will be followed when Saint Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary and the Acton Institute co-host a “Conference on Poverty,” May 31–June 1, 2103 on the seminary campus. Acton Institute is a body dedicated to researching principles that link economics with virtue, and conference presenters will offer some fresh ideas and long-term solutions to mitigate poverty.
Conference speakers will be Keynote Jay W. Richards, author of Money, Greed, and God, and Senior Fellow at the Discovery Institute; Susan R. Holman, senior writer at Harvard Global Health Institute, and author of The Hungry are Dying: Beggars in Roman Cappadocia and God Knows There’s Need: Christian Responses to Poverty, both from Oxford University Press; and Michael Matheson Miller, Acton Institute Research Fellow and Director and Host of the Poverty Cure DVD Series. Poverty Cure is an international coalition of organizations and individuals committed to entrepreneurial solutions to poverty that challenge the status quo and champion the creative potential of the human person.
The conference is being coordinated by Archpriest Dr. Chad Hatfield, Chancellor/CEO at Saint Vladimir’s, and is offered as a tribute to the late Deacon John Zarras (+ 2012), a Saint Vladimir’s alumnus (’06) who earned his M.Div. degree over a period of several years as a late vocations student. Deacon John also served as a member of the Board of Trustees and as the president of the Saint Vladimir’s Seminary Foundation.
For on-line registration, visit here. The $50.00 registration fee will be waived for those registering on-line before May 15.
Acton Institute’s videos may be viewed here.
Source: OCA