Kliment, Metropolitan of Kaluga and Borovsk, catches a train without sitting down.

Photo: Vladimir Luchaninov/ Facebook
Pitirim, Bishop of Dushanbe and Tadzhikistan, quite simply travels by camel.

Photo: Facebook / Pitirim Tvorogov
Sometimes you suddenly need to pump up your tires and you’re already wearing your cassock.

Photo: rusfront.ru
Russia’s most famous Deacon on his favourite means of transportation.

Photo: diak-kuraev.livejournal.com
Out in the country you won’t get far without a bike.

Photo: Valaam.ru

Photo: Gennadii Mikheev/ genn-mikheev.narod.ru
If you’re travelling by horse and cart, you can even give a lift to your parishioners.

Photo: piligrim.pravorg.ru
“The most reliable means of transportation in Yakutiya, nothing comes near it, especially in winter on snow-covered roads, where cars cannot pass, you will manage on it,” thinks a Yakut priest, Faddei Bulgakov.

Photo: Faddei Bulgakov/ Facebook
Here we have a train, a bike, and even a cart, though a small one.
In a strong flood, a priest from Omsk serves a Service of Supplication on a lifeboat amid flooded buildings.

Photo: tara-eparhiya.ru
A former commanding officer of a submarine Hieromonk Veniamin (Kovtun) still serves under water.

Photo: www.arh-eparhia.ru
Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeev) overtakes a traffic jam on foot.

Photo: Maria Alferova / Facebook
The most famous travelling priest Father Feodor Koniukhov has tried out all kinds of means of transportation.
Father Nikolai Uliakhin continues to serve and does not abandon his parishioners, though living in a remote village and using this peculiar “means of transportation”.

Photo: tut-by