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Ninth annual Diaconal Liturgical Practicum to be held July 12-15

Source: OCA
“This practicum is highly recommended by the Holy Synod of Bishops for participants in the Church’s Diaconal Vocations Program and other programs of diaconal formation.”
Natalya Mihailova | 04 January 2015
Ninth annual Diaconal Liturgical Practicum to be held July 12-15

The Ninth Annual Diaconal Liturgical Practicum — a program held in conjunction with the Orthodox Church in America’s Diaconal Vocations Program [DVP] and Saint Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary — will be held Sunday, July 12 through Wednesday, July 15, 2015 on the seminary campus in Yonkers, NY.  The four–day program will focus on intense practical liturgical training for deacons and lay diaconal candidates.

During the program, practical liturgical training will be supported by the celebration of the Divine Liturgy and other services, while intensive workshops will provide participants with the skills needed to serve effectively as an attentive server, deacon, or priest. In addition, focused presentations will augment the deacon’s understanding of his place in the liturgical life of the Church and his broader vocation as a symbol to the faithful of the diakonia of Jesus Christ.

“This practicum is highly recommended by the Holy Synod of Bishops for participants in the Church’s Diaconal Vocations Program and other programs of diaconal formation,” said Archdeacon Kirill Sokolov, DVP Director and leader of the practicum’s liturgical workshops. “In addition to liturgical practice, sessions will also cover chanting and vocal technique and address public speaking and teaching about our faith.”

Participants are asked to arrive after 3:00 p.m. on Sunday, July 12.  The last day of the practicum, July 15, includes morning Divine Liturgy, a closing discussion, and brunch. Participants may leave campus at noon for 3:00 p.m. and later flights from area airports.

Registration information may be obtained by contacting

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