On Sunday of the Myrrhbearing Woman, His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon addressed an Archpastoral word to the faithful of the Orthodox Church in America in appreciation for the frontline workers, especially those who are members of the Orthodox Church in America.
Christ is Risen! Indeed, He is Risen!

This 2nd Sunday after Pascha, we Orthodox Christians keep the memory of the Myrrhbearing Women who, with all piety and care, brought spices and ointments to Christ’s tomb. We remember Mary Magdalene, Mary the wife of Cleopas, Joanna, Salome, Martha and Mary of Bethany, and along with these devoted women, Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus. All these together, in the face of a seemingly hopeless situation, courageously did what was necessary for their Lord.
In the ongoing pandemic in our society, we see similar valor, courage, and dedication among our medical and healthcare professionals, as well as among other socially-essential workers: grocery store workers, delivery drivers, factory workers, and others. Our brothers and sisters in these professions are keeping our society going, at the risk of their own health, and for this, we owe them our thanks.
Like the Myrrhbearers who took care of Christ’s body, our medical professionals and other essential workers are taking care of Christ’s world, which as we know, is currently undergoing suffering.
And so, we give thanks for all our brothers and sisters working in the front lines. No matter where we may find ourselves, let us offer up prayers and intercessions for them, and for their safety and strength during this time.
And in offering up such prayers, may we give thanks for all that Christ has done for each of us. Let us continue forward with thanksgiving, and with hope, always bearing in mind His Resurrection!
Christ is Risen! Indeed, He is Risen!