Mosiac in the apse of the Church of St. Apollinare in Classe. Middle of the sixth century. Ravenna, Italy.

Mosiac in the apse of the Church of St. Apollinare in Classe. Middle of the sixth century. Ravenna, Italy.

Mosaic in the apse of the Church of St. Apollinare in Classe. Middle of the sixth century. Ravenna, Italy. Fragment.

Mosaic in the Church of the St. Catherine’s Monastery on Mount Sinai. Circa 565-566.

Miniature from the Chludov Psalter. Circa middle of the ninth century. Moscow.

Diptych with a depiction of the Twelve Feasts. Byzantine. End of the tenth century. Ivory. Fragment.

Fresco from the so-called “Hidden Church.” Unknown date. Goreme, Cappadocia, Turkey.

Miniature from an Armenian Gospel (Ms 6201. Fol 6). 1038. Matenadaran, Yerevan, Armenia.

Miniature from the Gospel of the Iveron Monastery (Ath. Iver. 1. Fol. 296v). Eleveth century. Mount Athos, Greece.

Mosaic from the Dormition Church in Daphne. Circa 1100. Greece.

Fresco from the so-called “Dark Church” (Karanlik Kilise). Twelfth century. Goreme, Cappadocia, Turkey.

Fresco from the Holy Transfiguration Cathedral of the Mirozhsky Monastery in Pskov. Circa 1156.

Icon. First half of the twelfth century.

Triptych icon. Twelfth century. St. Catherine’s Monastery on Mount Sinai, Egypt. Fragment.

Second half of twelfth century. St. Catherine’s Monastery. Sinai, Egypt. Fragment.

Mosaic icon. Byzantine. First half of the twelfth century. Louvre, France.

Icon from the Holy Transfiguration Cathedral in Pereslavl. Circle of Theophan the Greek. Circa 1403.

Fresco from the Dormition Cathedral in Vladimir. 1408.

Icon from the Annunciation Cathedral in the Moscow Kremlin. Beginning of the fifteenth century. Moscow.

Icon by a follower of Andrei Rublev. 1425. Moscow.

Icon from the Dormition Cathedral of the Monastery of St. Cyril of White Lake. Circa 1497. Museum-Reserve of Cyril of White Lake.

Icon from the iconostasis of the Church of the Transfiguration at the St. Cyril of White Lake Monastery. 1595. Museum-Reserve of Cyril of White Lake.

Palekh icon. Middle of the eighteenth century. Palekh.

Icon. End of the eighteenth to beginning of the nineteenth century. Rybinsk State Museum-Reserve.

Icon from Nizhny-Novgorod. Nineteenth century. Private collection.

Palekh icon. Beginning of the nineteenth century. Palekh.

Giovanni Bellini. Transfiguration. Circal 1455. Museo Correr, Venice.

Giovanni Bellini. Transfiguration. Circal 1455. Museo Correr, Venice.

Giovanni Bellini. Transfiguration. Circal 1455. Museo Correr, Venice.

Andrei Ivanov. Transfiguration. Between 1807 and 1809. St. Petersburg.

Alexander Ivanov. End of 1840 to beginning of 1850. Moscow.