On the Feast of the Lord’s Theophany, whether it is 100 degrees below zero or 90 degrees hot, the Orthodox of all countries hurry to sources of water after the Liturgy. “Therefore, O King, lover of mankind, be present now too through the visitation of Thy Holy Spirit, and sanctify this water.” Whether 100 below or 90 above, all present are called to the purification of soul and body, the cleansing of passions, the blessing of houses, and all good things!
Photographs are from open sources and the portal photosight.ru.

The Lord’s Theophany. Jordan. Beginning of the 1920s.

The River Jordan

100 below. Author: Vitaly.

Author: serzh25

Blessing of the waters. Photographer: NAVVARA

Berdsk. Photo: mobiba

Theophany. Author: Igor Kvochka.

We shall be blessed! Author: kisandr

Berdsk. Photo: mobiba.

Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Photo: Mink blue.

Raifa Monastery. Author: George Kosov

In the light. Author: gudafob.

Theophany. Photo: Artem Rozhnov.

Theophany. Author: volodia.

Theophany. Photo: Alexander Samburov

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit! Author: Murzishche

Theophany. Photo: D. Zverev.

Author: Vladislav Kornienko.

Theophany. Author: epithany.

The Lord’s Theophany. Istanbul

The Lord’s Theophany. Istanbul

The Lord’s Theophany. Istanbul

Priest of the Ethiopian Church on the Day of Theophany

It is not always possible to approach the Jordan, even on Theophany…

The faithful are not allowed to approach the Jordan

Theophany. Jordan. Source: ups.com.

An Ethiopian Orthodox Christian immerses himself in basins of water from the Jordan. Souce: ups.com

An Ethiopian Orthodox Christian immerses himself in basins of water from the Jordan. Souce: ups.com

A Greek pilgrim. Jordan.

A Greek nun immerses herself in a basin with water from the Jordan. Souce: ups.com.

Immersion in a basin with water from the Jordan.

A dove above the Jordan. Photo: ups.com