Following a long established tradition in the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese to offer a prayer in both the Republican and the Democratic Conventions, Archbishop Demetrios was invited by the Republican National Committee and was introduced by its Chairman Reinhold Richard “Reince” Priebus. His Eminence delivered the benediction immediately following the acceptance speech of the vice-presidential nominee Governor of Indiana, Mike Pence. (See text of benediction below)
For the first time, a reception was hosted last night by the RNC for the Greek Americans participating in the Convention, in which Archbishop Demetrios was the honored guest. It is worth noting that through the actions of Greek Orthodox Republicans language was added to the Republican Party platform, which highlights Religious Freedom and the need to defend it in places where Orthodox Christians are at risk, which is very important for our Ecumenical Patriarchate.
This morning, and in conjunction with the Republican National Convention a breakfast was organized by the Greater Cleveland friends of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese.
Next week, Thursday July 28, His Eminence has been invited to offer a prayer at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.

His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios with RNC Chairman Reince Priebus and
Rev. Alexander Karloutsos (photo John Mindala)
Benediction of Archbishop Demetrios for the Republican National Convention
Cleveland, Ohio ~ July 20, 2016
Most High God, Lord of Peace, Justice, and Love,
We magnify Your glorious Name for all the blessings that you have bestowed upon our nation: blessings of land and sea, of health and prosperity, of law and of values, of faith and freedom.
Bless us also, Lord, with the precious gift of unity: unity in our political processes, in our judicial system, in our neighborhoods and cities, and in our whole nation. As the Holy Bible says, “A house divided cannot stand.” Open, therefore, the hearts and minds of all our people, so that with oneness of purpose, in spirit and in truth, our United States of America would serve you, O God, faithfully and fervently.
To this unity, Heavenly Father, add the supreme blessing of peace: peace within our borders and peace around the world. Grant to us and to all people the wisdom from above, patience, and trust in Your goodness, so that we might learn to live according to Your will, in harmony and forbearance: so that we might learn to love the people as you God love us.
Furthermore, Almighty Lord, send forth your guiding hand upon these Your servants, the delegates of the Republican National Convention and their nominees for the superb and awesome office of the President and Vice President of the United States of America, Donald Trump and Mike Pence, and lead them unto wisdom and discernment, so that they may perform Your holy will in all cases and under all circumstances and may always be agents of unity, peace, justice, and love, both in our country and across the world.
For You are our Creator and Savior, and to You we offer glory, honor and worship, and now and forever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.