This Bible, which has been out of print for two years, is in high demand among those who prefer a more affordable Orthodox Study Bible and those who serve America’s prison population because the majority of state and federal prisons will not allow inmates to have hardback books/Bibles.
“Recently, OCPM was only able to send 231 Bibles to those in prison because we were out of stock, yet our demand was much greater,” said Chaplain Patrick Tutella, Executive Director of OCPM.
The prison population is attracted to the Orthodox Faith and its unique connection to the Church Fathers. The footnotes and articles in the OSB reflect the ancient Christian heritage and make it applicable to today. Another great advantage to this Bible is the introduction to Orthodox iconography, revealing God’s plan of salvation through visual icons and the iconic written word of God.
“For people whose lives have been chaotic, the Orthodox study Bible provides a blueprint to order,” said Chaplain Patrick.
In an effort to help provide Bibles for the prison population, Ancient Faith Publishing is extending a special offer. Anyone who purchases a paperback Orthodox Study Bible at the regular price of $24.95 can purchase a second bible at 25% off the purchase price; that second Bible will be distributed through OCPM to an interested party in the prison population.
“We are very pleased to be in partnership with OCPM in the reprint of this resource to assist priests and chaplains who visit those in prison and spread the ancient Christian faith to the modern world,” said John Maddex, CEO of Ancient Faith Ministries.