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A TYPOLOGY OF CONVERTS: Beware of Those Running Away
Ten Ways to Participate in Worship, Pay Attention, be Still and Pray
The Experience of a Young Choir Conductor
An Aid to Prayer Some Thoughts on the Use of a Prayer Book
Homily On The Nativity Of The Most Pure Theotokos
“Prayer: the test, the source, the driving force… of all things”
On Death
Orthodoxy and Same Sex Attraction
I’m The Worst. Is It Good?
Principles of Christian Giving
His Holiness Patriarch Kirill Contracted the Coronavirus
4th Plenary Session between ROC and Coptic Church Held
His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon Calls for Prayer for Those Facing Hurricanes Ian and Fiona
Patriarch Kirill: The Church Prays for the Fraternal Strife to End as Soon as Possible
Besides intellectual instruction, young people also need prayer, Patriarch Daniel says as new academic year begins
The Synodal Residence in New York hosts the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia
Voluntary Blood Donation Takes Place in Churches in Serbia
The work of the Church in society is quiet, but full of hope and love, says the Director of Lumina Publications
Epistle of the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia
“The models par excellence are the great hesychast saints,” says Romanian Orthodox Bishop of Oradea