The plane was carrying 92 people, including eight crew members, 64 musicians of the Alexandrov Ensemble, nine reporters, head of Spravedlivaya Pomoshch (Fair Aid) charity Elizaveta Glinka, and two federal civil servants. None of them survived the crash.
“At 10:00 [07:00 GMT on Thursday] in all the churches of the city of Sochi, including the Svyato-Troitsky Temple, memorial services will start for those who died in the Tu-154 plane crash near Sochi,” the city administration said statement says.
Earlier this month, the Russian Defense Ministry stressed that the cause of the Tu-154 crash had not been established, contrary to some media reports.
Russia’s Emergencies Minister Vladimir Puchkov said on Sunday that work at the Tu-154 crash site in the Black Sea will continue for as long as needed.