With the changing landscape in communications initiated by mobile technology, the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America is responding to the needs to share the Good News of the Holy Gospel in fresh and creative ways and to provide insights and strategies for the various ministries and programs of the Church. The blog site will make it easier for people not only to learn about the faith but to also engage each other electronically by entering user feedback.
There are currently four blogs associated with Archdiocesan departments on this site: Internet Ministries, Religious Education, “The Ladder” (Youth and Young Adult Ministries), and “Faith Matters” (Department of Inter-Orthodox, Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations).
The site will be expanded in the future to encompass additional Archdiocesan Departments and ministries.
To explore these blogs and learn more about the Community Blog Site, please visit blogs.goarch.org. To learn more about becoming a blog contributor, please email: Blogs@goarch.org