From 'Orthodoxy and the World'
Russian Orthodox Church in the Second world war
May 8, 2006, 13:42
Metropolitans Alexie (Simanskij), Sergiy (Stragorodskij), Nikolai (Jarushevitch) (in the middle) surrounded by the bishops, who were called back from exile to take part in the Assembly of the 1943 |
The command officer of the 5th partisans' brigade hero of the Soviet Union K.D. Kamritskiy is awarding the priest of the Porokhov region F.A. Puzanov with a medal "The Partisan of the Second World War" |
Archbishop Mikhey (Kharharov) - has struggled throughout all the war |
The session of the Sinod of the Russion Orthodox Church September ,8 1943 |
The tank column of the St. Dimitry of Don - it was bulit on the money collected by the Church and was given to the army |
The executive secretary of the Moscow Patriarchia metripolitan Nikolat is awarding the hierarchs of the Church with the medals "For the Defense of Moscow". 1944 |
Service in the Cathedral of St. Nicolas during the days of the Leningrad blockade. The service is conducted by the metropolitan Alexei (Simanskiy) |
The prayer on the Dnepr and the sacred processions of the believers of the Lotskamenka (Ukraine) |
On the partisan's paths of Belorussia |
The sacred procession - prayers for the liberation of the Motherland |
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