Last Updated: Feb 8th, 2011 - 05:50:02 |
Dear Readers,
We are happy to announce plans for a new design for our website Orthodoxy and the World. We will be diverting all our efforts to introduce our new design March 1st, and so will be unable to make new posts at this time. We have many new translations lined up that we hope you will like, so there is much work ahead! Keep us in your prayers, and continue to support our efforts at Orthodoxy and the World.
New Russian Martyrs
The Holy New Russian Martyrs
Why is the memory of the holy new martyrs so dear to us? How did they so please God that we hymn their lives as a true example for the faithful? We do not honor the new martyrs because they suffered. Everyone suffers, and we also suffer. We suffer because our lives turn out different from what we want them to be; we are hurting because others do not value us enough; we are tortured by our own passions and are in pain from the wounds that we inflict on ourselves by our own lack of physical and spiritual self-control. Romeo and Juliet, they also suffered—for there never was a story of more woe…
Feb 7, 2010, 10:00
New Russian Martyrs
Reverend Hilarion Troitsky
In the host of Martyrs of the Russian Orthodox Church Archbishop Hilarion Troitsky occupies a special place. From 1923 till 1929 he was an inmate of the concentration camp on Solovetsk isles. His fight in the name of the Orthodox Church, its holiness and unity in those dire times cost him his freedom and, ultimately, his life. The Archbishop Hilarion lived just 43 years. This man was indeed remarkable, the very name testifies to his nature: translated from Greek ‘Hilarion’ means ‘quiet, gentle, cheerful’.
Dec 28, 2009, 10:00
New Russian Martyrs
The Holy Royal Martyrs in the Light of History and God’s Providence
A new era began for the Sovereign and his family: their worldly life ended and their saints’ life began, together with their Christian exploits. The Tsar and his entourage were kept under guard at Tsarskoye Selo. The prisoners pinned their hopes only on God’s will, and the Lord helped them retain their inner peace until the very end. The Tsar and his family were subjected to humiliation and mockery from the guards and the other “new” people who now surrounded them.
Jul 17, 2009, 10:00
New Russian Martyrs
Extracts from Letters of the Holy New Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth to the Martyred Emperor Nicholas II
I took up the life I am now leading not as a cross - but as a road full of light God showed me after Serge's death and which years and years before had begun in my soul. I can't tell you when - it seems to me often that already as a child there was a longing to help those that suffer. Above all those who have moral sufferings…In my life I had so much joy - in my sorrows so much boundless comfort, that I long to give a little of that to others.
Jun 9, 2009, 10:00
New Russian Martyrs
Life of the Holy New Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth
One had to live through such a staggering catastrophe as this, in order to be convinced of the frailty and illusory nature of wealth, glory and the things of this world, and about which for so many centuries we have been warned by the Gospel. For the society of that time, the decision of the grand duchess to dismiss her court in order to leave the world and dedicate herself to serving God and neighbor, seemed as scandal and madness. Despising both the tears of friends, gossip and mockings of the world, she courageously set out on her new path.
Apr 1, 2009, 10:00
New Russian Martyrs
On the Significance of the New Martyrs and Confessors
In Russia in 1917, the scales tipped the other way, towards evil. Then large numbers turned against Christ and His Church. The greatest persecution in history began, with 600 bishops, 40,000 priests, 120,000 monks and nuns and millions of laypeople martyred for the Orthodox Faith in Russia between 1917 and 1991. Those who survived were confessors of the faith, for although they survived, theirs was a living martyrdom.
Feb 8, 2009, 10:00
New Russian Martyrs
Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia
Let us always have the holy example of the new martyrs before our eyes as we live our lives. Let us find the source of their strength and drink of this fountain of immortality. As we go about our lives, sometimes giving to God five or ten minutes of our day, sometimes a couple of hours from our week, sometimes even less, let us remember those who gave all, their whole lives and their earthly end to God.
Feb 8, 2009, 10:00
New Russian Martyrs
Life of Father Arseny.
Father Arseny ran to Sazikov and begged him, "Help! Please help, Ivan Alexandrovich! They are cutting people up. There is blood everywhere. I ask you in the name of God to stop this! The criminals will listen to you!" Sazikov only laughed and said, "Sure, they will listen to me, but why don't you help with your God? Ivan the Brown has already killed two of your friends, and now he is going to kill Avsenkov. Your God seems not to notice this!"
Jun 27, 2008, 22:05
New Russian Martyrs
Father and Son: A Story of Two Saints
Thousands mourned the death in 1923 of the popular, clairvoyant lay-elder of Moscow, Archpriest Alexey Mechev. But the Lord did not leave his spiritual children orphaned. Many had already discovered in his son, the still young Priest Sergius, a worthy and equally gifted successor.
The Saint Nicholas parish on Maroseyka, where his father served, was still small when the future priest and new martyr, Sergius, was born on 17 September 1892.
Mar 5, 2007, 17:40
New Russian Martyrs
Visions Before the Storm: The New Martyrs
The starets looked around and replied, This is the blood of true Christians!' The starets then pointed to some clouds, and I saw mass of burning white lamps. They began to fall to the ground one after another by the tens and by the hundreds.
Feb 25, 2007, 21:51
New Russian Martyrs
The blood of martyrs is the life-giving seed of Christianity!
“The 20th century – the century of 1000 years since the baptism of Russia – also became the century marked by the most severe and cruel persecutions of the Russian Orthodox Church. Churches and wholly objects were mercilessly wrecked and defiled, innocent people of faith were killed and tortured – all of this became essentially the thorny, cross-bearing path of Christ, which many and many believers followed. Among them were church hierarchs, priests, monks and laity – men, women, and children. More than 1600 of these people who suffered for Christ have been canonized as saints by the Russian Orthodox Church.”
Feb 19, 2007, 14:11
New Russian Martyrs
Father Arseny: Priest, Prisoner, Spiritual Father
What happened? Nobody could understand, but suddenly the gentle and weak Father Arseny straightened himself up and slammed Ivan on the arm so hard that the knife fell from his hand. Then he pushed Ivan away from Alexei. Ivan stumbled and fell, and hit the corner of a bunk with his face. Father Arseny went to Alexei and said to him, "Go, Alyosha, wash your face, no one will hit you anymore." Then, as if nothing had happened, he went back to his work.
Jan 10, 2007, 01:11
New Russian Martyrs
Optyna martyrs
Monk Trophim |
In the year 1993 the whole Orthodox world was shocked by a tragic event, which had happened in Optina Hermitage: three inhabitants of the monastery were brutely murdered on Easter night. Their names are hieromonk Vasily (Roslyakov), monk Ferapont (Pushkarev) and monk Trophim (Tatarinov).
Jun 21, 2006, 23:18
New Russian Martyrs
Tsar Nicholas and His Family
We are beginning to publish articles about New Russian Martyrs. We'll start with Tsar Nicholas and His Family.Tsar-Martyr Nicholas was born in St. Petersburg on May 6, 1868, the day upon which the Holy Church celebrates the memory of St. Job the Long-Suffering. And how prophetic this turned out to be - for Nicholas was destined to follow the example of this great Old Testament Saint both in circumstance and in faith.
May 17, 2006, 14:56