Discussions and Opinions Last Updated: Feb 8th, 2011 - 05:50:02

Welcome to the forum Orthodoxy and the World!

Feb 24, 2009, 11:00
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This year is the fifth anniversary of the Russian site of Orthodoxy and the World. The English site of Orthodoxy and the World appeared a little later but was left unattended several times by force of circumstances. Today already more than half a year has passed since our English site began to be updated every day with content which we hope you find useful and interesting.

We the editorial staff of the English version of Orthodoxy and the World have opened a new channel with the readers of our site: an Orthodox Christian missionary forum. Here our readers will be able to meet with the staff of Orthodoxy and World, and with each other.

The forum allows discussion on articles posted on Orthodoxy and the World, the posting of questions about Orthodoxy, religion and the spiritual life, as well as your own stories of life within the Orthodox Church.

You may also give questions directed to the clergy, and we will ask our authors and staff with holy orders to answer so that not one question is left without attention.

In the future there will appear new sections and themes in the forum, and there is still more work to do. But now the doors are already open.

We look forward to talking with you in the forum!

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